I always wanted to get more familiar with Raspberry Pi and Kubernetes. In December during my time off, I finally bought a Pi and experimented few things. One such experiment was to run ASP.NET core web application on Raspberry Pi. This was a fun experiment and I definitely learned more about Raspberry Pi, Kubernetes, ASP.NET core, Traefik, Docker and associated technologies. In this post, I would describe the steps that are required to run ASP.NET web app on Pi.
Make a Website Responsive using CSS and HTML
I am going to talk about something different from the regular topics in this post. I recently moved one of my old websites to a different hosting provider. As part of that, I worked to make the website responsive. The whole process turned out to be much easier than I thought, and required just few changes. I thought to put them in a post, so it can help anyone else needing the same. Note: I have only tested this in Chrome and Edge on Windows and Android.